Monday, October 17, 2011

Media Technology: Smart Phones

Phones have come a long way in the last two decades or so. We have gone from the infamous "brick" cellular phone to Blackberries and IPhones. We no longer need a desktop computer or laptop to check emails, search the web, download files, or watch movies and play games. All of these things are possible from the smart phone and can easily fit into the palm of one's hand. People from every generation and culture have grasped at the power of these new technological medias. There is not a day that goes by that we do not see someone either texting away, chatting up a storm, or using their smart phone's GPS. We have the power of today's best technologies at our disposal, and we sure do not waste the opportunity to utilize it. Companies are even creating applications to be downloaded to smart phones as a better way to advertise, and offer there services to consumers and users. This is because people spend more time using their smart phones than reading or watching television anymore. Soon, smart phones will be able to tuck us into bed at night.

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